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Primers in Mathematics and Statistics: brain transfers without the goop.

Primers in Mathematics and Statistics are short expository introductions to a field of research by someone who is active in the area. Strengthen your research; learn from your colleagues; develop a common language.

Events in this research interaction series

Event format:- When :::: Where ::: Topic :: Field :: Presenter

Term 2 2014

  1. 2014-06-06 :::: Erskine 031 ::: Defining Moments: Spatial Structure in a Model of Collective Cell Movement (Text, 4.0 KB) and slides (PDF, 1.1 MB) :: Biomathematics : Rachelle Binny (School of Mathematics & Statistics, UC)
  2. 2014-05-30 :::: Erskine 031 ::: Non and Semiparametric Methods for Regression Analysis: a Tale of (the land in between) Two Cities (Text, 4.0 KB) and slides (PDF, 540 KB) :: Semi/Non-parametric Statistics : Patrick W Saart (School of Mathematics & Statistics, UC)
  3. 2014-05-23 :::: Erskine 031 ::: Numerical Evidence for the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture (Text, 4.0 KB) and slides (PDF, 4 MB) :: Number Theory : Brendan Creutz (School of Mathematics & Statistics, UC)
  4. 2014-05-16 :::: Erskine 031 ::: Holographic Vortex Dynamics of Pulsars (Text, 4.0 KB) and slides (PDF, 804 KB):: Mathematical Physics : Anuj J. Misra (School of Mathematics & Statistics, UC)
  5. 2014-05-09 :::: Erskine 031 ::: The ghost in our genes-epigenetics is our next frontier (Text, 4.0 KB) :: Biomathematics : Graeme Wake (Institute of Natural and Mathematical Sciences, Massey University at Albany, Auckland)

Term 1 2014

  1. 2014-04-11 :::: Erskine 031 ::: To Build a Web You Need a Tree, and Vice Versa (Text, 1.2 KB) and slides (PDF, 2.9 MB) :: Biomathematics : Giulio Dalla Riva (School of Mathematics & Statistics, UC)
  2. 2014-04-04 :::: Erskine 031 ::: Algebra and Arithmetic of Plane Binary Trees (Text, 0.6 B) and slides (PDF, 4.1 MB) :: Mathematics & Statistics : Raazesh Sainudiin (School of Mathematics & Statistics, UC)
  3. 2014-03-28, 16:10 :::: Erskine 031 ::: Differentiating x^n in a Ring (Text, 0.5 B) and slides (PDF, 54 KB) :: Pure mathematics : Douglas Bridges (School of Mathematics & Statistics, UC)

Term 4 2012 - Term 4 2013

See primer archives.

Term 3 2012

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  1. At 20120824 1610 :::: In KF06.102 Kirkwood Village, UC Ilam :::Sensitivity Analysis of Epidemic Networks :: Discrete Random Structures : By Sophie Hautphenne (Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Melbourne), abstract TXT and slides PDF
  2. At 20120817 1610 :::: In KF06.102 Kirkwood Village, UC Ilam ::: Representation Growth : A Gentle Introduction :: Algebra : By Shannon Ezzat (Department of Mathematics and Statistics, UC Ilam), abstract TXT
  3. At 20120803 1610 :::: In KF06.102 Kirkwood Village, UC Ilam ::: Validated Numeries: the Art of Dividing by Zero :: Machine-Constructable Mathematics : By Raazesh Sainudiin (Department of Mathematics and Statistics, UC Ilam), abstract TXT
  4. At 20120727 1610 :::: In KF06 Kirkwood Village, UC Ilam ::: Matched Asymptotic Expansions :: Dynamical Systems : By Phillip Wilson (Department of Mathematics and Statistics, UC Ilam), abstract TXT
  5. At 20120720 1610 :::: In KF06 Kirkwood Village, UC Ilam ::: Sangaku - Japanese Temple Mathematics :: History of Mathematics : By Rosalie Hosking (Department of Mathematics and Statistics, UC Ilam), abstract TXT, slides PDF (3MB)
  6. At 20120713 1610 :::: In KD06 Kirkwood Village, UC Ilam ::: Introduction to intuitionistic logic :: Constructive Mathematics : By Douglas Bridges (Department of Mathematics and Statistics, UC Ilam), slides PDF (60K)

Term 2 2012

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  1. At 20120511 1600 :::: In KA04 Kirkwood Village, UC Ilam ::: Introduction to diversity theory :: Classification Theory and Applications : By David Bryant (Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Otago), Abstract TXT
  2. At 20120504 1610 :::: In KB05 Kirkwood Village, UC Ilam ::: Introduction to the operational subjective theory of probability of Bruno de Finetti :: Probability Theory and Applications : By Frank Lad (Department of Mathematics and Statistics, UC Ilam), Abstract TXT and slides PDF
  3. At 20120420 1600 :::: In KD06 101 Kirkwood Village, UC Ilam ::: Problems for the clairvoyant demon :: Probability Theory and Applications : By Geoff Grimmett (Statistical Laboratory, University of Cambridge) Abstract TXT

Term 1 2012

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  1. At 20120309 1610 :::: In (KA 04)To(KB05) Kirkwood Village, UC Ilam ::: ABCs of Glucose-Insulin Modelling and Control :: Applied Dynamical Systems : By Geoff Chase (Department of Mechanical Engineering, UC, Ilam) PDF slides (8.4 MB)
  2. At 20120302 1610 :::: In KA 04 Kirkwood Village, UC Ilam ::: Reflections on devising a "probability in the real world" course :: Probability Theory and Applications : By David Aldous (Department of Statistics, University of California, Berkeley) Abstract TXT, Slides PDF (1.1 MB) or PDF (1.1 MB)

Term 4 2011

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  1. At 20110909 1615 :::: In KA 04 Kirkwood Village, UC Ilam ::: A Quickie on Rheology - Part I :: Dynamical Systems : By Miguel Moyers-Gonzalez (Maths and Stats, UC) PDF notes
  2. At 20110916 1615 :::: In KA 04 Kirkwood Village, UC Ilam ::: Constructive Maths for Dummies; what's it all about? - Part I :: Constructive Mathematics : By Maarten McKubre-Jordens (Maths and Stats, UC) PDF notes
  3. At 20110923 1615 :::: In KA 04 Kirkwood Village, UC Ilam ::: Glacier Flows :: Dynamical Systems : By Christian Heining, Department of Applied Mechanics and Fluid Dynamics, University of Bayreuth, Germany (visitor of Mathieu Sellier, Mech. Eng., UC) PDF notes
  4. At 20110930 1615 :::: In KA 04 Kirkwood Village, UC Ilam ::: Introduction to Inverse Problems :: Set-valued Mathematics : By David Wall (Maths and Stats, UC) PDF notes
  5. At 20111007 1615 :::: In KA 04 Kirkwood Village, UC Ilam ::: Introduction to Random Trees and Networks - Part 1 :: Discrete random structures and their limits : By Mike Steel (Maths and Stats, UC) PDF notes
  6. At 20111014 1515 :::: In Erskine 101, UC Ilam ::: Finite time ergodic theory: nonsense, nuisance or next paradigm? :: Dynamical Systems : By Rua Murray (Maths and Stats, UC) PDF notes
  7. At 20111021 1615 :::: In KA 04 Kirkwood Village, UC Ilam ::: Geometry of ideal fluid flow :: Dynamical Systems : By Igor Rychkov (Maths and Stats, UC) PDF notes
  8. At 20111028 1615 :::: In KA 04 Kirkwood Village, UC Ilam ::: The Mathematics of the Heavens and the Earth :: History and Philosophy of Mathematics : By Clemency Montelle


  1. Discrete random structures and their limits::
    1. Introduction to Random Trees and Networks - Part 2, 3: (By Mike Steel, At TBA hours, In TBA)

      Basics of Coalescent theory will be introduced from Wright-Fisher process, Chang pedigree model, etc.

    2. Streaming Algorithms in Massive Graphs (By Jeanette McLeod, AT TBA hours, In TBA)
  2. Constructive mathematics::
    1. A constructive look at Riemann's permutation theorems for series (By Douglas Bridges, At TBA, In TBA)

    2. Interval analysis for pedestrians (By Raazesh Sainudiin, At TBA, In TBA)

  3. Dynamical systems::
    1. Introducing the British School of fluid dynamics - Part I :: Dynamical systems (By Phillip Wilson, At TBA, In TBA)
    2. Size-structured population models :: Dynamical systems (By Mike Plank, At TBA, In TBA)
    3. Numerical techniques for simulating large-scale cerebral bloodflow models :: Dynamical Systems (By Richard Brown, At TBA, In TBA)
  4. Approximation theory::
    1. Omnipresence of approximations :: Approximaiton theory : By Rick Beatson (Maths and Stats, UC)

For all enquiries, please contact

Dr Raazesh Sainudiin
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Room 326, Rutherford Building (Room 724, Erskine Building)
University of Canterbury
Private Bag 4800
Christchurch 8041, NEW ZEALAND
Telephone: +64 3 364 2987 extn 7682 (ext 7691)
Fax: +64 3 364 2587

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