This is an archive. See for current LaMaStEx activities.

Playing with Maths and Stats

Some Past Activities

  1. Fun with NUMB3RS: Watch TV show NUMB3RS and chat maths in the real-world.
  2. Math-hour at Kindy: Maths with under-fives.
  3. Math-hour at Primary: Maths with under-tens.
  4. U Can Compute!:A U Can Learning Community.

Teaching-Learning-Playing Philosophy from Credible Sources

Resources to explore for (future) fun activities

  1. Pre School Level: See the future activities section of Math-hour at Kindy
  2. Primary School Level: Freely available tools for primary school children:
    1. Watch alan_kay_shares_a_powerful_idea_about_ideas and explore Viewpoints Research Institute to improve "powerful ideas education" for the world’s children.
      • Free user-interfaces that can help children (Ages 6 through 18) and adults "learn and do" maths and science Squeak Etoys
      • Croquet and Cobalt (0) and EduSim3D(most relevant for schools) to create and deploy deeply collaborative multi-user online virtual world applications on and across multiple operating systems and devices.
  3. High School Level:
    1. See item 1 in Primary School Level above.
    2. Fun with NUMB3RS: Watch TV show NUMB3RS and informally chat maths in the real-world. The show has the Canadian Home Video Rating of 14A: Not Recommended for Young Children, and are NOT RATED in the US.
    3. Math Explorer’s Club: Local mirror of activities for high school students in Ithaca High School, Ithaca, New York, USA. This is meant to serve as a plausible model for high schools in Christchurch.
  4. Google Directory: Mathematics Education Software
  5. SAGE is a free open-source mathematics software system licensed under the GPL. It combines the power of many existing open-source packages into a common Python-based interface. SAGE Mission: Creating a viable free open source alternative to Magma, Maple, Mathematica and Matlab.

Links chelated by Raazesh Sainudiin and mirrored by Paul Brouwers.

Last modified on Thursday, 01-Sep-2016 20:53:25 MST and served on Saturday, 07-Sep-2024 21:28:46 MST.

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