Events that Contribute to Research Environments
- Organizer of Interval Analysis and Constructive Mathematics (16w5099) 5-Day-Workshop,Casa Matemática Oaxaca (CMO) in Mexico
- Organizer of Graduate Special Topics in Biometry and Statistics, Cornell University, Ithaca NY, USA, 12 September - 14 November 2014 (LifeNetworks2014)
- Organizer of Intervals, Pavings and Applications, Uppsala, Sweden, 15-17 October 2012 (IPA2012)
- Organizer of Algebraic Biology, Cass, NZ, Saturday 4th February - Friday 10th February, 2012 (ABaCass2012)
- Organizer of Constructive Mathematics, Westport, NZ, Thursday 26th January - Saturday 28th January, 2012 (ConstruMathSouth2012)
- Study Groups
- Primers in Mathematics and Statistics: brain transfers without the goop
- Random Media and Random Walks, Nelson, New Zealand, Sunday January 8th - Friday January 13th, 2012 (Nelson2012)
- Black Robins Theoretical Field Research, Rangatira, NZ, November 2011 (Rangatira2011)
- ICM Satellite Meeting in Probability and Statistics, Sambalpur, India, September 2010 (Sambalpur2010)
- ...
- Approximate methods for recombination (ApproxRecombOxford2006)
Last modified on Saturday, 03-Sep-2016 04:30:14 MST and served on Sunday, 19-Jan-2025 16:50:33 MST.