CodemlZ -- Modified Codeml Package for Detecting Physicochemical Selection
Source Code
- Download Source code for codemlZ,
- Extract (tar zxvf paml3.14.Z.tgz) in Gnu/Linux,*Linux,Unix,Solaris or Mac OS X,
- Read README.PhysChem.txt in paml3.14.Z
- Using Cygwin in Windows David Yu has successfully compiled and tested codemlZ (Communication Details and for Windows XP SP2 machine).
Appropriate Citation
"Detecting site-specific physicochemical selective pressures: applications to the class-I HLA of the human major histocompatibility complex and the SRK of the plant sporophytic self-incompatibility system," Raazesh Sainudiin, Wendy Shuk Wan Wong, Krithika Yogeeswaran, June Nasrallah, Ziheng Yang and Rasmus Nielsen, Journal of Molecular Evolution 2005 60: 315-326 (Preprint)
Last modified on Thursday, 01-Sep-2016 18:11:28 MST and served on Monday, 11-Nov-2024 19:19:44 MST.