MRS  1.0
A C++ Class Library for Statistical Set Processing
MRSampler Class Reference

The Moore rejection sampler class for trans-dimensional targets over labeled metric spaces. More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 MRSampler (Fobj &f, int max_n_boxes, double Alb, unsigned seed=gsl_rng_default_seed, bool use_f_scale=true)
 Initialised constructor.
 ~MRSampler ()
double getPALB ()
 Return lower bound on the acceptance prob.
void Refine (double Alb)
 Do further partitioning until acc. prob. lower bound > Alb, then setup pdf.
void RefineUntil (unsigned int Desired_N_boxes)
 Refine partition by bisections until Desired_N_boxes many boxes is reached, then setup pdf.
void Refine (int Nbisect)
 Refine partition by doing Nbisect many bisections.
int get_n_boxes ()
 Return the number of boxes in RangeDomainSet.
void Print_Domain_Partition (std::ostream &out)
 Print labeled boxes in domain partition DomainParts [C-XSC output format].
void Output_Domain_Partition (std::ostream &out)
 Print labeled boxes in domain partition DomainParts [naive TAB-delimited numeric only format].
std::ostream & MRSoutput (std::ostream &os, const double eps=0) const
 Print the RangeDomainSet in tab-delimited numeric only format.
LabPnt RejectionSampleOnce (int &tries)
 Return one sample of labeled point via rejection sampling, if possible.
void RejectionSampleMany (int nRS, RSSample &theSample)
 Draw nRS many samples of labeled points via rejection sampling, if possible.
void ImportanceSampleManyQuasi (int NSamples, bool residual, ISSample &theSample)
 Importance sampling with Quasi random numbers -- [Ignore: experimental].
void ImportanceSampleMany (int NSamples, bool residual, bool pseudoRNG, ISSample &theSample)
 Importance sampling with Pseudo/Quasi random numbers.
void ImportanceSampleManyPseudo (int NSamples, bool residual, ISSample &theSample)
 Importance sampling with Pseudo random numbers.
void PrintBoxes (int Nprint)
double getIU ()
double getIL ()
double get_unscaled_IU ()
double getIUminusL ()
double getUmax ()
double getPAest ()
double get_wsum ()
int get_nsum ()
double get_wmax ()
double get_wmin ()
void updateIntegral ()
 update Integral using present partition
void updateUmax ()
 Updating the upper and lower bounds for the global maximum of target F.
int get_n_topologies ()
int get_nonresidual_samples ()

Detailed Description

The Moore rejection sampler class for trans-dimensional targets over labeled metric spaces.

In MRSampler everything is inline for now -- we need to make this truly object oriented, add a default constructor, add mrs namespace, get rid of #defines, etc. Needs about 20 hours for complete documentation...

Member Function Documentation

std::ostream & MRSampler::MRSoutput ( std::ostream &  os,
const double  eps = 0 
) const

Print the RangeDomainSet in tab-delimited numeric only format.

may want the output to be padded with TABS for easf dlmread in MATLAB for the trans-diminsional case: same for Output_Domain_Partition
  // do nothing if there is nothing in the set

    RangedLabBoxSet::const_iterator it;

    it = RangeDomainSet.begin();

    double vol = Volume((it->LBox).Box);

    while (vol>eps  && it != RangeDomainSet.end())
    {               // pull em out from top of pq
      RangedLabBox theBox = *it;
      ivector x = it->LBox.Box;

      // label
      os << (it->LBox.L);

      // range enclosure
      os << "\t" << Inf(it->BoxRE) << "\t" << Sup(it->BoxRE);

      //then the box
      for (int i = Lb(x); i <= Ub(x) ; i++)
        os << "\t" << Inf(x[i]) << "\t" << Sup(x[i]);


      vol = Volume((it->LBox).Box);


    }               // end iteration through the set

  }                 // end if set not empty

  return os;
void MRSampler::PrintBoxes ( int  Nprint)

Print boxes with MATLAB.

Needs standardization of rendering format(s) for ease of making low-dimensional pictures -- MATLAB/POVRAY/MATPLOTLIB.
  Nprint = 0;       //output through cout
  int NBoxesToPrint=1000;
  RangedLabBox theBox;
  RangedLabBoxSet::const_iterator it = RangeDomainSet.begin ();
  for (int i = 0; it != RangeDomainSet.end () && i < NBoxesToPrint; it++, i++)
  {                 // pull em out from top of pq
    theBox = *it;
    ivector x = it->LBox.Box;
    //cout << "i: " << i << "  Box: " << it->LBox.Box << " RE: :"
    //     << it->BoxRE << "  Vol: " << it->BoxVol;
    //cout << " IntDiam: " << it->BoxIntegral (UsingLogDensity) << endl;
    cout << "rectangle('Position',["
      << Inf(x[1]) << "," << Inf(it->BoxRE) << "," << Sup(x[1])-Inf(x[1])
      << "," << Sup(it->BoxRE)-Inf(it->BoxRE)
      << "], 'FaceColor','b')" << endl;
  } cout << endl;
void MRSampler::RejectionSampleMany ( int  nRS,
RSSample theSample 

Draw nRS many samples of labeled points via rejection sampling, if possible.

Draw nRS many rejection samples, if possible,.

RejectionSampleMany stores the samples in the RSSample object theSample.

  LabPnt proposed_LPnt;
  int total_tries = 0;
  //ofstream psampout("MRS_proposed.samples");
  for (; theSample.Samples.size () < unsigned(nRS);)
    int proposed_index = static_cast<int>(gsl_ran_discrete
                                          (rgsl, gslpdfstruct));
    LabBox LBox = DomainParts[proposed_index];
    rvector proposed_point =
              F.DrawFromBoxPrior(LBox, DrawUnifUnitBox(rgsl, VecLen(LBox.Box)));

    proposed_LPnt.Pnt = proposed_point;
    proposed_LPnt.L = DomainParts[proposed_index].L;

    real rand = gsl_rng_uniform (rgsl);
    real Fprop;
    if (rand > 1.0)
        ("#proposed_index, UBox[proposed_index], height: %i %g %g \n",
        proposed_index, _double (UBox[proposed_index]), _double (rand));
      getchar ();

    if (UsingLogDensity)
      // real rany = rand * UBox[proposed_index];
      // cout << "RSmany. rany: " << rany << "  Ubox: "
      //      << UBox[proposed_index] << endl;
      if (((RS_SQUEEZE) &&
           (ln(rand) <= LoBox[proposed_index] - UBox[proposed_index]))
        || ln (rand) <= F(proposed_LPnt) - UBox[proposed_index])
        //  proposed_LPnt.Print(cout);
        theSample.Samples.push_back (proposed_LPnt);
      real rany = rand * UBox[proposed_index];
                    // less than lower bound, don't need to eval. function
      if (((RS_SQUEEZE) && (rany <= LoBox[proposed_index]))
        || (rany <= (Fprop = F (proposed_LPnt))))
        // proposed_LPnt.Print(cout);
        theSample.Samples.push_back (proposed_LPnt);
    // } // loop over tries
    // if(tries == MAXNTRIES){ cout << "No RS accepted in "
    //                    << MAXNTRIES << " tries. Refine partition?" << endl; }
    total_tries++;  // += tries;
    // cout << "RS accepted, tries: " << theSample.Samples.size()
    //      << "  " << total_tries << endl;
  }                 // loop over samples
  theSample.Nprop = total_tries;
  theSample.Ntopologies = DomainLabelSet.size ();
  theSample.LabelSet = DomainLabelSet;
  theSample.n_Dim_Max = n_dim_max;
  theSample.EnvelopeIntegral = getIU ();
  // cerr << "In MRSample.SampleOnce. After " << MAXNTRIES
  //      << " proposals, none accepted. Acceptance prob. very low. " << endl;
  //  return proposed_LPnt;

Updating the upper and lower bounds for the global maximum of target F.

For each box, first get upper bound U = Sup(range enclosure), and then Umax is the max over boxes of this and already have found during bisection Lmax, i.e. max of over boxes of Inf(range enclosure) Lmax, Umax are rigorous lower and upper bounds for global maximum of f each time U is eval'd for a box and found to be > current Umax, eval f at midpoint of box. Then max of these is fmid_max

  RangedLabBox theBox;
  real fmid_max = BIGNEGATIVE;
  real f_scale_local;
  bool f_scaleDone_local = false;

  RangedLabBoxSet::const_iterator it = RangeDomainSet.begin ();
  bool first = true;
  for (; it != RangeDomainSet.end (); it++)
    theBox = *it;
    real U = Sup (theBox.BoxRE);
    if (U > Umax || first)
      Umax = U;
      cout << "Umax: " << Umax << endl;
      LabPnt lab_midpnt;
      lab_midpnt.Pnt = mid (theBox.LBox.Box);
      lab_midpnt.L = theBox.LBox.L;
      real fmid = F (lab_midpnt);
      if (fmid > fmid_max)
                    // f eval'd in middle of box with greatest U.
        fmid_max = fmid;
      first = false;
  //   Umax rigorous upper bound on f
                    // fMaxLB is lower bound on maximum of f
  fMaxLB = (Lmax > fmid_max) ? Lmax : fmid_max;

  if (UsingLogDensity)
    // could use F - scale

    f_scale_local = Umax - ln (UmaxMAX);
    cout << "UmaxMAX, Umax, f_scale_local: " << UmaxMAX << " "
         << Umax << " " << f_scale_local << endl;
    if (Umax - fMaxLB < LOGDIAMFMAX)
      f_scaleDone_local = true;
    // could use F/f_scale
    f_scale_local = Umax / UmaxMAX;
    if (Umax < exp (LOGDIAMFMAX) * fMaxLB)
      f_scaleDone_local = true;

  f_scale = (UseFScale)? f_scale_local: (UsingLogDensity)? 0: 1.0;
  cout << "f_scale: " << f_scale << "  " << f_scale_local << endl;
  f_scaleDone = f_scaleDone_local;
  cout << "bottom of updateUmax \n";

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