LCE: A C++ Class Library for Lumped Coalescent Experiments Documentation



A Kingman's n-coalescent experiments graph. An observed multiple sequence alignment of the mother experiment and its offspring are shown on the left. The corresponding formalities are shown on the right.


LCE is a C++ class library for lumped coalescent experiments that builds on libsequence (C++ class library for population genetics , boost (Boost provides free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries and GSL (Gnu Scientific Library LCE, libsequence and GSL are distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) and boost is distributed under the boost license.

lce0.1 is under construction but full source docs are here.

The goal of lce is to provide a code-base for inference in population geentics that takes advantage of a set of diverse tools, including extended arithmetics, computational algebraic algorithms and graph algorithms.

LCE library provides the following features:

To learn how to use libsequence, boost and the GSL go to the appropriate help documents.

History and Credits

1. Raazesh Sainudiin (r.sainudiin ATADDRESSSYMBOL, Biomathematics Research Centre, Dept. of Maths and Stats, University of Canterbury, Private Bag 4800, Christchurch, New Zealand,

2. Kevin Thornton (krthornt ATADDRESSSYMBOL Department of Ecology and Evolution UC Irvine 321 Steinhaus Hall Irvine, CA 92697

Module Authors

The work on LCE started during Raazesh Sainudiin's and Kevin Thornton's post-doctoral work at Cornell. Raazesh Sainudiin continued working on LCE during his subsequent post-doctoral work at The University of Oxford. Many colleagues have contributed to the realization of LCE. Special thanks go to:

For the latest news and up to date software contact

April 2011

Generated on Sat Apr 23 19:20:56 2011 for LCE: A C++ Class Library for Lumped Coalescent Experiments by  doxygen 1.5.6